Table Captain InfoRMATION
Help Gather the Community
as a Table Captain
Saturday, February 22, 2025 • 5:00 – 8:30pm
Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center • 7800 E. Tufts Avenue, Denver 80237
Table Captains are the heart of our Nibbles & Sips event! Table Captains gather community to raise funds for IFCS, providing life changing programs and services to more than 60,000 annually. Please share IFCS’ good works with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
This is truly one of the most upbeat, feel-good, charity events where the community comes together for a lively, casual evening in support of our struggling neighbors.
Everything a Table Captain Needs to Know:
- Think of friends and colleagues who have a desire to help alleviate hunger and nourish lives in our community.
- Make a list of people you think would want to learn more and be part of the solution.
- Send them a “Save the Date” email or postcard with a little note from you. An electronic email template will be supplied to you.
- Follow up with a phone call or a note to personally invite them to sit at your table.
- Once guests accept your invitation to join your table, send us a list of your invited guests, by February 5.
Your guests are considered “confirmed” when we receive their name on the list or when they have completed online registration with payment.
At the event, your guests will:
- Win the Community Cup if they are the top fundraising table
- Sample dozens of wine and food vendors
- Bid on Silent and Live Auction items
- Learn more about IFCS and how the organization provides basic human services, hunger alleviation, and enrichment programs to foster self-sufficiency
As a table captain, you will be recognized in the event program.
Price: Table of 10 is $990 before February 1 or $1,100 in February. Advance table sponsors receive a discount equal to one guest ticket. Advanced purchase individual tickets for event, not sold as a table, are $110. If the event is not sold out, tickets at the door are $125.
Table Capacity: Tables will be set for 10. Please fill all 10 seats. Remember to count yourself as an occupant of the 10 seats you are to fill! Please let us know if you have any special requests for seating preferences.
Emcee & Auctioneer: Jennifer Clifford, Beyond the Call Auctioneering
Event Support: Linda Shaw, Bolder Events
Please contact: Todd McPherson, 303-789-0501,
Table Captain's Timeline
Email Save the Date: IFCS will provide an email template which you can use, and will include all the details. An online registration link will be provided.
Email Invitations: provided by IFCS. We can either email you a packet, or you can send us your guest list and we will email them out for you.
Make Follow-up Calls to Invitees: Remind your guests about the date and time of event. They can register on our website.
Submit Table Captain Guest List: For guests who aren’t able to make it, invite them to learn more about IFCS.
- 5:00 p.m. – Doors and Silent Auction Open
- 7:25 p.m. – Silent Auction Closes
- 7:40 p.m. – Evening’s Program Begins
- 8:30 p.m. – Participant Check Out/ Item Pickup Opens
Thank your guests in a personal way: Send a thank you card or email, or give them a call. Then, commit to next year’s event!

Three Cheers for our 2024 Table Captains!
- The Canino & Cruz Family
- Bill and Joan Clayton
- Empower
- Gloria Greiner
- Guys Who Give
- David & Ann Hoffman
- John & Karen Ikard (2)
- Jazz Hands Foundation Band
- Nick & Libby McKeever
- Perry & Davis Enterprises, LLC
- WAM Industries, Inc.
For more information about the Nibbles & Sips fundraising gala, sponsorship, or ideas for silent or live auction donations, please contact Todd McPherson: